Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We’re Not Gonna Take It/ Protest Karaoke-Style

We’re Not Gonna Take It (Click for the "cached text" only.)

It is an interactive public art project that allows you to record your own protest songs using the telephone.

You can create a song about issues you wish to protest (such as corporate globalism, your landlord's poor repair record, or bad produce at the supermarket). You record your song by using the telephone like a karaoke machine, singing along to rock music. Your personal protest song will then be delivered to the politicians of your choosing.

How To Participate

1. Call the local phone number for your location. (Currently: Toronto, San Francisco)
2. You'll be asked to record your name and a song dedication.
3. Record your protest song. It will be sung to the tune of Twisted Sister's We're Not Gonna Take It. You should sing along with the choruses and make up your own verses. See the lyrics to prepare your song.
4. Select one or more politicians to receive your protest song.

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